Content Removal Request / DMCA

Content Removal Request / DMCA Note: In the case of any copyright infringement issue you should contact the third party sites which hosted y... thumbnail 1 summary

Content Removal Request / DMCA

Note: In the case of any copyright infringement issue you should contact the third party sites which hosted your own downloadable or any type of files. Our site doesn’t host any copyrighted material on our server. 

If you find anything objectionable on this website, please contact us from our contact page. We will review the content and will remove the content within 24 hours or less.

For removal request you have to clearly mention the following details in email: –

1. List of URL/s to objectionable contents.

2. Reason for removal.

3. Any proof of content ownership or any other reason for removal.

4. Valid email id and Person name in removal request.

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